November 21, 2003

  • The answer to yesterday’s “Dirty Minds” was the PAPER BOY.  Here are today’s clues:

    1. I come with a hole.

    2. Men eat me in the morning.

    3. I can leave a glaze on your face.

    As always, think cleanly and happy guessing



    Thoughts of the Day:



          Booger decided to go crazy on comments on yesterday entry, complaining about Jackie’s auto “eric words” crap.  I found out where she did it and i fixed it so that it shows “comments” instead of that.  I like it saying comments more, so yeah.  but i think ill keep the “eric dollars”, just for the hell of it.



         Actually, im very indecisive about it.  Here is the auction. A few days ago i was just being stupid, and i did want THIS at the time, even though i already have the MZ-N10 and the MZ-NE410, a mp3/atrac/cd player, and my [old] clie ::sigh:: .  I have my maximum bid of $250 on it.  As of right now there’s still 14 hours to it.  It hasnt changed for the past three days.  In a way i do hope that i can win it at this “low” cost, but at the same time i also hope i don’t win it.  Gots CHRISTMAS presents to get ALL OF YOU, hardee har har. LOL



          Because if there is, I certainly need it.  Dang you kent!  Told me about the As One compilation.  Here is this product.  I’m adding it to my YesAsia shopping cart.  Have about $100 worth of CDs in there, but I’m probably not going to “checkout” anytime soon.  Oh well, i guess thats good.  But then again, i really do want THIS cd.  Maybe i’ll buy it for myself, as a “christmas” gift. heh.  got to treat yourself to stuff, right?



          And i havnt really met any real “friends” to hang with yet.  Met some friends through friends, but none that I have actually “met” on my own.  But next semesters a fresh start, maybe I’ll meet some people that i can “click” with in my classes.  Its ALWAYS good to know people in your classes, that way you can ask them WTH is going on when you have no freggin clue.  ::What? me…a user?  never!::  haha


    Some random convos from today…

    one i had with meredith. (kinda stupid, but eh, still good, she stuck one onto her xanga too, so yeah)


    bolanM71 (8:24:53 PM): hey hey, Eric
    coolguy885 (8:25:01 PM): hey hey, meredith
    coolguy885 (8:25:11 PM): i thought you were going to watch a movie with your mom
    bolanM71 (8:25:13 PM): what what what are are are you you you doing doing doing?
    bolanM71 (8:25:19 PM): I know.  I will VERY SOON
    bolanM71 (8:25:25 PM): when she’s ready
    coolguy885 (8:25:27 PM): pro-pro-pro–crastinating
    bolanM71 (8:25:32 PM): hahahhaa
    bolanM71 (8:25:35 PM): cool cool cool
    bolanM71 (8:25:36 PM):



    This one i had with my good friend Dennis.  Thought this one was quite humerous:


    GeOmEtRyBoY 12 9 (8:40:39 PM): i dunno y im asking u this
    coolguy885 (8:40:47 PM): but…
    GeOmEtRyBoY 12 9 (8:40:54 PM): but wat u do call it when u get milk from a cow
    GeOmEtRyBoY 12 9 (8:40:57 PM): the process i mean
    coolguy885 (8:41:08 PM): “milking” a cow?
    coolguy885 (8:41:13 PM): thats what i call it
    coolguy885 (8:41:20 PM): is there supposed to be a more technical name for it?
    GeOmEtRyBoY 12 9 (8:42:03 PM): wat do u call the things u squeeze
    coolguy885 (8:42:13 PM): the nipples?
    GeOmEtRyBoY 12 9 (8:42:23 PM): it started with a t
    GeOmEtRyBoY 12 9 (8:42:40 PM): nm found it
    GeOmEtRyBoY 12 9 (8:42:42 PM): teats
    coolguy885 (8:42:48 PM): oh
    coolguy885 (8:43:00 PM): cool…i was just about to search for it on google
    GeOmEtRyBoY 12 9 (8:43:13 PM): haha its ok
    GeOmEtRyBoY 12 9 (8:43:31 PM): but idunno the technical ternm for the process


    TEATS“…  sounds a lot like something humans have to get milk from


    ~SMILE!~ Anyways, til tomorrow.  Lators Gators



Comments (8)

  • DOUGHNUT!! hey if you DO win the auction, you could always give it to me for christmas ::wink wink::

    how do you link ppl’s xanga with their name?

    and yeah the phone works, thanx homie!

  • yeah um…ur xanga looks exactly like mine! lol..change ur layout!!!! haha…

  • HAHAHA…Eric, Eric, Eric. You never fail to amaze me. You pick the best convos ever to post;)

    study study study

  • OH you should have posted a convo with meredith swearing… that sure dee doo beee fuuuuunnnN!!!

  • Online shopping addict hmm that we have incommon

  • oo!! i kno the answer..its a donut!! no, that i think about, well, ya, ttyl okie?? dish ish bri..c ya..

  • Hello
    My dear i am peace by name but friends call me Pp i am here to seek for your friendship please contact me i will tell you more about me and also send you my picture and more about me, love you my dear.(
    Yours Pp

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