October 27, 2003
The answer to yesterday’s “Dirty Minds” was GLOVES. Here are todays clues…
- Two people grab my joint.
- You wish for my big piece.
- I’m a double boner.
Haha…happy guessing!
Ill come back to update in an hour or too..just wanted to get this CHORE (above) out of the way…haha
EDIT: 9:35PM
Dayum..today was hella hot….never got used to this weather since we only get this weather like 3 weeks out of the whole year? Something like that…
ENG-114 Peer Edit of our freewrites…learned about plagerism and the like…
BREAK I (9-10) I go to Natural Sensations for a small cup of OJ and a plain bagel with combo H on it (forgot but i think its feta/tomato/avocado and somethin else..eh not important). Go back to book store entrance, Diane reading and Lianna studying. Pretty quiet…
…until my contacts started acting up on me…i did the enzyme protein remover thingy over the weekend and i soaked the contacts for more than one day….i also think i didnt have enough buffer…when i put it on it stung for a while, but it was alright afterwards…during the break i started tearin up HELLA..and it was pretty bad…it felt like one of the LONGEST 5 minutes i’ve had in a while…i was so tempted to just take em off, but id have ::sarcastically:: LOTS of FUN putting them back on… alas it stopped stinging…
BREAK II (10-11) One of the Lowell ppl had one of their Lowell friends over in our lil circle…i think his name was Tim(?)…forgot..seemed pretty cool… FREELOADERS MOLDY CHEESE and BOOGER (aka Sophia y Karen) come to visit their GARBAGE CAN (Me) to get some glowsticks…haha…they made a few of them glow in the process :-X. Leanne was funny…she was like…”If ____ comes today you owe me HELLA!! I’ll just make a list of stuff for you to get..” haha…so funny leanne…
BREAK III (11-12) Again, Jackie/Jon/Leanne’s speech class was cancelled due to teacher sickness…We continue to sit in front of SFSU bookstore…conversing about some very interesting stuff…haha…if ya wanna know, go check Jon’s Xanga…i think he sums up the convo pretty well…haha
AU-100: Guest Speaker from the College of Business…was an advisor for College of Business…i think i should go and give em a visit…
SPCH-150: Only had two speeches that had to go today…one was about Ninjas, and the other was about German fairytails…pretty interesting…then we were assigned our NEXT essay…a pursuasive essay…dont know what im going to write on yet…
WORK: I got to send off some T-shirts for PedsGI Liver kids… also did my misc. filing…
Some random convos…
coolguy885: true…dangit karen..you prolle CURSED me now
SpOnGeCaT613: what?
SpOnGeCaT613: no i didnt!
SpOnGeCaT613: u just want to blame me when u get the notice TOMORROWW!
SpOnGeCaT613: muahaha
coolguy885: well..i GOTTA blame SOMEBODY
coolguy885: and it sure as hell aint gonna be me..
coolguy885: dang…im in a procrastinating…feelin dirty…korean/spanish mood right now
coolguy885: :-
bolanM71: =
bolanM71: spanish mood?
coolguy885: i was goin over my old cds that i made backups before my formats
coolguy885: and i found my folder of spanish music
coolguy885: and then i incorporated it w/ my korean stuff..and now i have both in the same playlist
bolanM71: duders…you’re weird
coolguy885: heck…ive BEEN weird!
coolguy885: cant wait to see ya on friday
coolguy885: get me a few pics for my xangur…
LIL BBY JACKERS: yay! then i can smack yah
LIL BBY JACKERS: noooooooo no pictures
coolguy885: and i can pay ya
LIL BBY JACKERS: nooooooooo no money
coolguy885: through food?
LIL BBY JACKERS: just hook me with some of them glow sticks man! lol
coolguy885: how about a wet willie and a wedgie?
coolguy885: so thats a yes?
LIL BBY JACKERS: nooooooooooooooooo
Dang…my parents are ignoring each other again…my dad wants to quit his job, but my mom wont let him…well, she ONCE said…”fine…do whatever the hell you want..” and he took that as her approval that he could quit…Now he’s mad at her cuz he said that she broke her promise…WTF…Why the FUCK would you get mad at somebody for such a stupid reason?!? As of right now, i joined in the festivities…I’m ignoring BOTH of them so that they will HAVE to speak to one another since theres nobody else to talk to… And a coincidence…they both have the day off tomorrow…so it should be a very interesting morning…too bad i wont be at home…Stupid stupid parents…do any of you readers got any ideas on this matter?
Well…gotta go and do my homework….I gots that project for FYE BUSINESS class that I MUST start…like janie said..”Thank goodness that class is credit/no credit”… well…later gators…
- Two people grab my joint.
Comments (4)
wishbone!!!!!!!!!! 1 for 3 now!!!!!!!!!!! yea!!!!!!!!!!!
It’s all about communication.
aww shirley took my answer! she sucks!
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