
  • A New Year, A New Entry...

    a little late but..


    is it just me or does it look weird seeing '2007'? 

    I'm soooo going to hell for this., but eh..

    ...I present to you....

    Tigger & Tickle Me Elmo

    Tigger & Tickle Me Elmo               

    all I can say is that this is THEE BEST way that I've see to utilize these two kid's toys...HAHA 

    Anyway.. enough of my craziness.. til next time

  • Here's your freggin' update :)

    cakalusa (9:49:02 AM): where's the update
    cakalusa (9:49:05 AM): its been 4 months
    coolguy885 (9:49:09 AM): lol
    cakalusa (9:49:11 AM): ::takes out bat::

    Just dropping by to say...

    I'm with the bee on this one.. HA!



    coolguy885 (10:07:43 AM): there, i updated
    cakalusa (10:08:50 AM): BAH!
    cakalusa (10:08:54 AM): insufficient



    I'm sure you that most of you have heard of Cassie, and her "Me & U" song that has been playing non-stop on the radio for a while now.  If you havn't, check out the first video clip first.

    After listening to it so many times, I realized that it was hella suggestive. 

    My suspicions were validated when i heard it on the radio this morning:


    check the second video clip out to see what i mean.. lol

    CASSIE'S "ME & U" Music Video (Broadcast Version)

    CASSIE'S "ME & U" Video - First Edition

    now.. before you guys start saying that it isn't her, check out her official blog:  http://cassie.ns4life.com

    "This song is VERY suggestive, and I am VERY particular about my image and I kept it clean to preserve my name and image. There’s no guy because I personally felt that it would have been tacky. Yes, I bet you’re wondering, how would she know if she didn’t do it? …Well, the truth is, is that I did shoot a video for this song before. It was extremely low budget and it was before I signed to a label. Unfortunately that BAD video that’s going around, I felt like it scarred the very beginnings of a promising future. No matter my excitement while making the video, I was not thinking for Cassie. Before I had a chance to voice my opinion someone had leaked it in it’s raw form."


    Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed the little factoid..

    alright, im out. 


  • I keep procrastinating... @$*% !! Anyway, help me help others :)


    About Relay For Life® and the Society

    Relay For Life® is much more than a walk around a track. It is a time to remember those lost to cancer and celebrate those who have survived. It is a night for people who have shared the same experience to comfort and console one another. Relay gives you the power to help accelerate the Society's progress toward a future where cancer doesn't take the lives of our friends and family.

    So what happens when you support the American Cancer Society through Relay For Life®? You help us save lives, you help those who have been touched by cancer, and you help empower individuals to fight back against this disease. Here's how:

    Saving Lives
    Every dollar you raise makes a difference to people in your community whose lives are touched by cancer. The Society has contributed to almost every major discovery in cancer research. Millions of lives have been saved as a result, including people you may know. For those people and countless others, the research the Society has funded is resulting in better ways to prevent, detect, and treat cancer.

    The American Cancer Society will also continue to exert influence on all levels of government, advocating for stronger policies and enacting legislation that will save lives and conquer cancer.

    Helping Those Touched by Cancer
    When cancer affects you or someone you love, the American Cancer Society can lessen your fears and provide inspiration through our many programs and services - all free of charge and made possible through donations from local communities.

    Your donations also give those touched by cancer answers to their questions and offer places to turn for help in their community through the Society's Web site, http://www.cancer.org and our 24-hour toll-free number, 1-800-ACS-2345.

    Empowering People to Fight Back Against Cancer
    A cancer survivor's recovery involves much more than medical treatments - it takes hope to heal. By participating in the American Cancer Society Relay For Life®, those touched by cancer can feel empowered to fight back against this disease.

    All of this is made possible because of activities like Relay For Life®. Are you ready to get involved? It's easy! You can put together a team or join an existing team. With our new Relay Online Web site, you can get involved right now by clicking on the "Sign Up Here" link on the left-hand side of the page. You can make a donation to a participant online as well. Just click on the "Donate Here" link on the left-hand side of the page. If you're a survivor, you can participate in the opening ceremony and walk alongside fellow survivors in a victory lap.

    Relay For Life® is about being a community that takes up the fight!


    Russell Peters :"HEY! Be A Man.. Do The Right Thing! "
      | ------------->       Relay For Life


    All donations gladly accepted until Saturday, April 1st, 2006 ~ 7AM PST.

    If you donate, I'll send you a personalized thank you.  C'mon guys..you know you want it

    anyway..thanks in advance to all you sexy people out there in xangaland. 

  • ...nothing beats a warm


    sunny october day in San Francisco...


    [click the pic for a larger size view   ]

    a shot of the lighthouse on alcatraz


    i the fog :)


    look at all of em in the water..


    a spectacular air show by the blue angels






    all i gotta say is...

    Fleet Week > World Golf Championships




  • I think my professor's crazy...

    So.. I guess i had no choice but to get back into "school" mode.  Doing nothing was fun while it lasted... =[

    I've been studying like crazy for my accounting midterm that's tomorrow.

    Yes, i did read.

    yes, all three chapters.  (aren't you guys proud of me? =P )

    What we need for the exam tomorrow:
    - Pencil
    - Scantron
    - Four function calculator (one that adds, subtracts, multiplies, divides)

    not bad right?

    think again.

    On friday during test "review" he actually *lectured* us for a good 10 minutes or so about using a four function calculator, and not allowing us to bring any other kind in.

    In fact, he decided that he'll supply us with the calculators..

    "There are 56 of you in this class and I have 65 of these calculators.  I paid for these out of my own pocket.  I tested these all last night and these all work.  Here, take a look at them..."

    ::Circulates 2 of them around in the classroom to let us see how they look::


    What.  The .  F**K.


    1. This is college, not high school.
    2. Not only is he anal about what kind of calculator we use, we have two choices
           a. Use his
           b. Do the math manually
    3. Do we NOT know how a simple calculator looks like? @_@


    I'm bringing in a mechanical pencil to do my exam.  Hopefully he'll let me take my test with it, instead of automatically failing me.. @_@


  • Something my sister and I realized that....

    UCSF takes some really BAD photo IDs..

    Yeah, yeah, say what you want..


    "Photo IDs are supposed to look bad.. look at the ones they give ya at the DMVs..."


    that is true.. but man, my sister and I had a BLAST laughing at each other's work IDs today. 

    Yes, we really are that retards =]


    I dont remember exactly when I got this.. but it was at least a year or two ago..
    I can't believe i used to like gellin' up my hair @_@

    and no, not dissin' ppl with spikes, I realized my true calling is to just shave it all off  

    [and if you thought this pic was bad.. that was the third try at it.. @_@  ]


    and here's my sis

    somebody looks like a crack-whore that just got fixed-up for a mugshot..


    In any event, we both don't/won't show our work badges proudly. hardee har har...

    useless little entry, but I thought I'd amuse myself a little inbetween homeworks =D


    a "real" update comin' tomorrow.. i think..



  • Current AIM Status: 
    click HERE to IM me

    The answer to the "More Dirty Minds" from LAST THURSDAY was SCOREBOARD.  Here are the clues for today:

    1. Blowing me can get you up.
    2. After I get blown, it's time to eat. 
    3. When I get blown, it's bed time.


    Highlight of my day:

    While being my sister's bitch...

    LEOlionGER (9:55:24 PM): where's my orange?


    coolguy885 (9:55:33 PM): LOL


    coolguy885 (9:55:37 PM): coming right up!


    LEOlionGER (9:55:40 PM): thank you


    coolguy885 (9:55:44 PM): ::scratches ass crack::


    coolguy885 (9:55:46 PM): ;)


    LEOlionGER (9:55:56 PM): eww


    coolguy885 (9:56:01 PM): :D



    it was pretty funny.  When i bought her her orange (that I had promised to peel and deliver to her about 30 minutes prior to her IM,) i busted out laughing.  I think i must have scared her, since she actually took a sniff at the orange :p

    yeah.  another uneventful weekend.  Though we did go to trader joes and grab $20 worth of junk food.  GOTTA LOVE IT THERE! :D


  • Current AIM Status: 
    click HERE to IM me

    The answer to the "More Dirty Minds" from HELLA LONG AGO was NAVY.  Here are the clues for today:

    1. When I have 69, it counts.
    2. When you're on me, you're playing a round.
    3. I let you know when your period is over.


    I really need to stop procrastinating...




    SEX KILLS! @_@

    Reply to: anon-89995887@craigslist.org
    Date: Tue Aug 09 13:41:59 2005

    So there I am, waiting for the bus as usual... I’m at the Bart station, of course. Pigeon central. I’m bored, as I forgot to bring anything to read, and am entertaining myself by watching the pigeons. The male ones are hooting and cooing at this one females, fluffing their feathers and dragging their tails in that fan-thing they do. One male is particularly focused on a rather clean looking female (she has all her toes, oo la la!), and is so focused in fact that he can’t pay attention to anything else. She must have been hot in pigeon terms, but I’m no judge of pigeon hotness (if I were, um... ew). So he’s cooing and hooting and dragging and then all of a sudden... the 91 rolls by.

    Right over the horny male pigeon. Ahh well. I suppose it’s natural selection at work... poor guy, his brain was frozen by hormones. Oh and as for the girl pigeon? She got hooted and cooed at by a bunch of other males, so I’m sure she’ll move on.

    • no -- it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
    Copyright © 2005 craigslist, inc.

    ah.. gotta love mr. craigslist


    Enough of my craziness.. til tomorrow..

  • Current AIM Status: 
    click HERE to IM me

    The answer to the "More Dirty Minds" from yesterday was PEN.  Here are the clues for today:

    1. I'm full of seamen. [Yes, i know it works better said than read =/  ] 
    2. You have to take an oath to get inside me.
    3. My biggest part is always on the wet spot.


    Random Thought...

    [again too lazy to do a post.   ]

    So.. I was chatting with my friend Belline today, and she said something that really got me thinking...

    blxn---- (11:56:16 PM): i need a new wallet

    So like i said earlier.. that got me thinking...
    Why must we have to SPEND money in order to get a product that will hold our money?


    lol, kidding.. I must confess that i too, own a wallet :(


    [yes, that last mark was just for decoration ]


    jeebus.  That's as much as i make in a month @_@

    I couldn't find a pic of how it looks in front, but IMHO, that looks pretty simplistic...

    I would NEVER spend that much on a wallet.  Hell, I wouldnt even spend HALF of that much.  I would not even spend more than $50 on a wallet.  I think that anything more than that is overkill...


    what do you think?

    Enough of my craziness.. til tomorrow..

  • Current AIM Status: 
    click HERE to IM me

    The answer to the "More Dirty Minds" from HELLA LONG AGO was DAY.  Here are the clues for today:

    1. Sometimes, I gotta ball.
    2. If my fluid comes out too fast, I make a mess.
    3. I can leave a stain in your pants.



    AN UPDATE! @__@

    err.. kind of

    Wow, it's been AGES since I've actually done something in here.  I can honestly say that I had to look at some old entries so that I could get the format as close to the way it was before. 


    After receiving many threats from people, namely from Chris, AllisonShaun, Samantha & Jon, I decided that I should update.

    And update I am doing..
    well, sort of...

    This is the first entry after a LONG hiatus (or like how my sister would like to say.. "habatus" ). 
    "Let's start at the very beginning / A very good place to start / When you read you begin with ABC / When you sing you begin with Doe Ray Me..."

    I'm starting with something simple.  One of those damn chains that you'd get from your friends.  It's the first I've done in ages, so I thought id tweak and post it here.

    Subject: Getting to know you


    Welcome to the Summer 2005 edition of getting to know
    your friends (and family).  What you are supposed to do is
    copy-and-paste (not forward) this entire message into a new one, change all the answers so they apply to you, and send this to a whole bunch of people, including the person who sent it to you.


    1. What time did you get up this morning?    8:15AM. Oh wait.. it asked what time i GOT UP.  In that case..10:30AM


    2. Diamonds or pearls?   Diamonds

    3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?  March of the Penguins!


    4. What's your favorite TV show?  Simpsons


    5. What did you have for breakfast? Rice Porridge 


    6. What's your favorite cuisine? Mexican & Italian food


    7. What foods do you dislike?  Anything that comes from the sea...taboo parts of animals [mmmm... cow tongue @_@]...


     8. What is your favorite chip flavor?  Sour Cream and Onion


    9. What's your favorite CD at the moment?  Koda Kumi's Secret [Japanese Pop] , Mariah Carey's Emancipation of Mimi [American Pop], & Craig David's The Story Goes [UK Pop]...


    10. What kind of car do you drive? A MUNI bus       Oh wait.. i don't drive that.. >_<     I ride that..


    11. Favorite sandwich? Are burritos considered sandwiches? ;)    If not, then I'll guess I'll have a BLT


    12. What characteristics do you despise? Show-offs, inconsiderate people, grumpy people <--First stolen answer [but not the last! =P ]

    13. Favorite item of clothing?  Jeans


    14. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation?  Some island place or somewhere in Europe.. or ALASKA! ;)


     15. What color is your bathroom?   A Nasty light orange color


    16. Favorite brand of clothing?  Old Navy, Anchor Blue


    17. Where would you retire to:  Some place with lots of activities <---- Stolen answer #2

    18. Favorite time of the day?  Afternoon


    19. What was your most memorable birthday?  None of them


    20. Where were you born?  Chinatown Hospital in San Francisco

    21. Favorite food?  BURRITO!  


    22. Who do you least expect to send this back to you?  Not Applicable.  Posting on Xanga :D


    23. Person you expect to send it back first? Not Applicable


    24. What fabric detergent do you use?   tide with bleach

    25. Were you named after anyone?   Nope


    26. Do you wish on stars?  Nope


    27. When did you last cry?  It's been a while.. thankfully :)


    28. Do you like your handwriting?    Of course! Gotta LOVE the never-ending game of trying to decipher what I wrote :)


    29. What is your most embarrassing CD? In my collection?  I'd say my n'sync CDs  =X


    30. If you were another person, would YOU be friends with you? Hell no! @_@


    31. Are you a daredevil? I'm a big pussy


    32. Have you ever told a secret you swore not to tell?  Who hasn't?  And you're LYING if you said you didn't!

    33. Do looks matter? Not really, the true light of a person shines in the inside, You can be the best looking person in the world but might have the worst attitude and perception on life.  <-- Stolen answer #3


    34. How do you release anger?  I whine to others =X  

    35. Where is your second home?  Work.  I'm notorious for being at the office too much (at least in the summer.. >_<  )


    36. What was your favorite toy as a child?  My extensive set of Lego blocks.  It's a shame that I've given em away most of them already  [side note: go to www.legos.com  you get a strict warning about not calling them that @__@ ].

    37 What class in high school do you think was totally useless? ALL OF THEM! haha, kidding… Conceptual Physics.  It's all about the FULL pledged physics! =P 


    38. Do you use sarcasm a lot? Yeah.. =X


    39. Favorite movies?  Comedies, Animated movies, and them "mind fucks" [ie. White Noise, Sixth Sense, etc] have a place in my heart.. <3


    40. What are your nicknames? "ERC!", "dumbass", "dai lo"  


     41 Would you bungee jump?  If i ever want to kill myself, ill look you up.. >_< 

    41. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Nope, that takes too much time


    42. Do you think that you are strong?  Nope, I'm weak-minded  [indecisiveness is my best feature! @_@  haha ] and not physically strong either 


    43. What's your favorite ice cream flavor?  Mango.   


    44.  What are your favorite colors? Black, White, Red


    45. What is your least favorite thing about yourself?  Myself...


    46. Who do you miss the most?  Too many to list... =X


     47. Do you want everyone you sent this to send it back?   Of course.


    48. What color pants are you wearing?  Um... pants? @_@


    50. Last thing you ate? Sister's beef stir-fry


    51. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?  White.. The least used one :D


    52.  Last person you talked to on the phone?  very distant cousin jon

    53. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?   Their smile, their hair


    54. Favorite Drink?  ICED WATER! =D  that and iced coffees

    55. Do you wear contacts? Indeed

    56. Favorite Day of the Year?   Christmas

    57. Scary Movies or Happy Endings?  Don't some scary movies have happy endings?

    58. Summer or winter? Summer

    59. Hugs OR Kisses?  Hugs


    60. What Is Your Favorite Dessert?   Warm.... apple... pie..   LOL... kidding... though cakes + pies does make my stomach happy..


    61. What Book(s) Are You Reading? Aaron Mcgruder's Public Enemy #2: An All-New Boondocks Collection


    62. What's On Your Mouse Pad?  I'm too cool for a mousepad.


    63. What Did You Watch Last night on TV?    CSI =] 


    64. Favorite Smells?  old socks! haha,  J/K!!  Cooked animal carcass... YUM


    65. Rolling Stones or Beatles?  Beatles

    66. What's the furthest you've been from home?  Las Vegas.  and only for 4 hours too.  How sad is that @_@



    Just a sneak peek into this book that I bought the other day.  Sure beats the hell out of REQUIRED TEXTBOOK READING ...

    hope you enjoy the pics


    gettin ready...

    let the games begin..

    that one on the bottom sure looks like they're enjoying it a lot.. @_@

    i think i should stop captioning before i really go to hell... =X

    the lovely couple ;)

    Enough of my craziness... til tomorrow...